Utilising Space (The Final Frontier) – 23/02

These past two weeks, I have been struggling to conceive any new ideas. I spoke to Donald about my idea of exploring the idea of humanity through the lens of science fiction, and I soon realized that it was too large.

I’ve managed to get through several ideas in the past two weeks – themes of revolution, the cyclical nature of time, theatre itself as well as considering a story from my life – but nothing seemed interesting or prevalent enough for me to be able to make a performance about. I felt lost, and I could think of nothing. And then, this week, I was reminiscing about my Granddad, Bill, who passed away in my first year here. I was named after my Granddad, and I’m often told how similar the two of us are. He was a member of the D’Oyly Carte Opera Company and there are some surreal, and whimsical stories from his life that I have considered recounting for a performance, retracing his life back through the years up until his passing and how his life affects mine, and what is expected of me. It would be biographic, which is not what I had planned on doing.

However, I have also come up with a stage image for this performance, unrelated to the story of my Granddad’s life, of the interior of a spacecraft. This would be indicated by projections and “anti-gravity” objects – aka things on strings suspended from the ceiling, looking intentionally homemade to make it seem as if I have gone mad – and a soundscape of throbbing engines, like something out of a science fiction film. I don’t exactly have much more to it than that, but I prefer thinking of stage images & how I will utilize space to create a sense of claustrophobia, that a spacecraft would surely have. This will be something I will explore in rehearsals over the next few days.

Here is a nice photo of space:Space

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